Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Homeless Count

This past weekend I was approached by a woman at the Studio City farmers market. She was there asking people to volunteer for the Los Angeles Homeless Count.

Every 2 years the US Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) requires the main group dealing with homeless issues to count the Homeless in their county. This allows them to obtain funding.

This year the Los Angeles count is over a 3 day period, January 27, 28 & 29, 2009. Different parts of the county have their counts on different nights. It seems like it will be about 4 hours, from 8pm-12am, and you will be with a group. Each group gets an area to walk around and there is a training session.

I have to admit that riding the trains and subway frequently and being an avid walker, I don't carry much cash on me. By being in these places, I am also exposed to the homeless issues more frequently. There are some people I can count on seeing in certain places and others that I notice along the train and bus lines at different shelters. I realized that I felt bad many times when people asked me for things though. I've handed out bags of recyclables in the past, but I don't have enough to give to everyone every time I am approached. I realize that this volunteer project is a good way to at least try to do my part to make sure people can get more help.

If you don't have a car, don't fret! They actually ask on the volunteer form if you have a car or bike. This information helps place you in an area you can get to and move around.

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