Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July!



Valid: Saturday, July 4 and Sunday, July 5, 2009

Air quality is likely to reach unhealthful levels in localized areas throughout the South Coast Air Basin and in the Coachella Valley, starting in the evening of July 4th and continuing through the morning of July 5th. Emissions from fireworks are expected to contribute to elevated concentrations of fine particulate matter (PM2.5 and PM10), which can reach the Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups category, or higher, after the evening fireworks displays on Independence Day. The smoke and combustion products from fireworks add to the fine particles already present in the Basin that are primarily caused by motor vehicle emissions, as well as fugitive dust and industrial emissions.

Such is life in Southern California! This morning was beautiful bicycling weather with fewer cars than normal on the road. I didn't even mind when another biker came up next to me and biked with me for a few seconds -- enough time to say hi to one another and then continue on our own ways.

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