Wednesday, October 1, 2008

the beginning

For the past 8 years I've lived in Southern California. The first 4 in the Inland Empire, 3 of those without a car. The last 4 in the San Fernando Valley with a car, but used minimally in the last 3 years after trading my car for the LA Metro Rail System. Recently, liberated of car ownership. I grew up in Texas where there wasn't much to walk to, but there was a great deal of space and large mammals on farms all around. Living in an urban area and walking around as part of your transportation allows you to notice different things, like that the only animals I really see outside are birds. There are squirrels and lizards and the occasional opossum, mouse, rat or coyote, but most species of animals I see are birds. There are the expected pigeons, doves and crows. There are also seagulls, finches, various hawks, hummingbirds, kingfishers, weird little birds with black mohawks and random flocks of parrots and who knows what else.

Hence the name, flapflap and the address of (flapbird, backward).

As for the blog, I'll probably focus on more of the environmentally friendly decisions I make and life as I am living it. I hope to gather a lot of the information I've picked up and observed about some of these things over the years into one place. I hope to motivate myself to do some of the projects I've been thinking about for a while. I hope it is useful to someone else and if nothing else, I hope the pictures are enjoyable some of the time.

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