Monday, May 25, 2009

Big Belly Tra$h cans

Last week while walking around Pasadena, my coworker noticed something new -- a solar trash can! Actually it's a Big Belly Solar Trash Compactor.

This more expensive than normal Trash Can is promoted on the premise that by having the trash compacted, it doesn't spill all over the streets from overflowing trash cans, animals can't access the trash and the cans don't have to be emptied as frequently (the can supposedly holds 5 times the normal volume of a city street trash bin). The money saved and pollution reduced by picking up trash less frequently offsets the $3750 price tag + maintenance and battery replacements. The compacting is accomplished with the power of the sun, harnessed by the solar panel on top of the can.

One thing that is weird about these cans is that you have to open a door that is reminiscent of the Post Boxes on the street. There is a clear person-throwing-trash-away symbol on the front, but I can imagine some mail has made it into these bins. I also wonder if these cans are more difficult and time consuming to empty. It appears that they can't be emptied without a key and I'd image they also weigh 5 times as much as a normal trash load.

This particular can is on Los Robles near Green Street. I haven't seen any others around Pasadena, but it seems like there were a few around for 6 months a couple of years back. CalTech also seems to have had some bins at some point. The idea makes sense, but I have to admit that if they save as much money as claimed, I wonder why I don't seem them more frequently. This is the first time I've noticed one and I walk and bike around various parts of LA a fair bit. It does make me wonder if that means Pasadena is giving up on recycling as I can't imagine recycling is easier after compacting everything. There are no recycling bins on the streets of Pasadena from what I've seen.

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